Monday, December 5, 2011



I think everyone has heard of Ibiza. Most people probably know it as this sleazy haven of euro trash and dance music, and sometimes you are right.

If you have not heard of Ibiza, let me fill you in. Ibiza is a little island off the coast of Spain that has been turned into a tourist Mecca by nightclub promoters and singles tour promoters.

Ibiza is like one big party 24/7, with more nightclubs crammed into one little space then I've ever seen before.

It's especially popular with young English lads and lassies that go there to listen to dance music, drink lots and hook up.

Ibiza also has an abundance of very cheap accommodation, food and alcohol. Ibiza also has a lot of really great beaches, especially if you're a fan of nudist beaches.

Some of the very best DJ's in the world play regularly at Ibiza nightclubs. Just type Ibiza into and you will find plenty of search results.

Now onto my "version" of Ibiza.

I had a great time. Amazing, wonderful, crazy, CRAZY time in Ibiza.

I've been to Ibiza twice, once on a Contiki tour and once as I said before with Club 18-30.

I had a blast on both times, but more so with Contiki. If you want to go to Ibiza for the first time and you are traveling by yourself, go with Contiki as it can be quite a daunting place.

I spent 9 days with my Contiki buddies in Spain and Ibiza. We went to nightclubs, watched the best DJ's in the world work their magic, ate great food, met lots of really interesting people and got really great tans.

The best time to go is during the English winter!

The accommodation is cheap like I said, but it's not great by any means. When I say not great, I really mean it.

If you choose to go to Ibiza by yourself for the first time, I'd say you were crazy. Find someone to go with, or make sure you no someone while you are down there.

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