Monday, December 5, 2011

Things To Pack When Going On A Tour

These are the items I brought with me on my tours and some things I wish I brought last time. It's an ever growing list.

·       backpack

·       day pack

·       hip bag

·       change purse (I'd get one with at least two pockets for multiple currencies)

·       money belt

·       health card

·       hostel card

·       driver's license (even though you're not driving,
·       Is used for security deposit on keys, etc.)

·       ATM, credit cards with cash advance PINs

·       currency for first three countries

·       traveler's checks in foreign currency for countries you'll be most

·       calculator

·       2 small locks

·       bungee cord (for wrapping around door and rack on trains)

·       compass

·       binoculars (small pair for seeing frescos)

·       large envelopes for important documents in your pack (I mailed these

·       home from different cities)

·       small light

·       pocket knife,

·       eating utensil

·       cup

·       1st aid kit with Band-Aids, tape, and antibiotic ointment

·       antacid

·       cold medicine

·       vitamin C

·       film

·       camera

·       batteries (camera, recorder)

·       small bag of detergent

·       Recorder, tapes (I made audio tapes that were great to send home.)

·       pen

·       paper

·       journal

·       plastic bags (sandwich size, ziplock, 5) -
·       separate currencies, leaking

·       Items, etc.

·       guidebook

·       book to read

·       Language ref.

·       Plenty of contact solution, holder, etc.

·       toothpaste, brush, floss

·       nail clippers

·       ear plugs

·       Q-tips

·       lotion

·       Kleenex

·       razor

·       hand wipes

·       shampoo/conditioner

·       hair ties

·       fem stuff

·       sleeping sheet (thin and light)

·       windbreaker/raincoat

·       two pairs of pants (jeans/a pair of kaki pants)

·       six pairs of socks

·       6 pairs of underwear

·       three bras

·       two pairs of shoes (hiking boots/tennis shoes)

·       a pairs of light cheap thongs (need to dry quick
·       on the pack)

·       turtleneck

·       two T-shirts (you will buy more as needed)

·       one sweater

·       gloves

·       ear/headband or hat

·       one pair boxers/shorts

·       leggings

·       1 Pair Of Jeans

·       1 Pair Of Khakis 3/4 Length

·       1 Pair Of Shorts

·       1 Pair Of Sandals

·       1 Pair Of Thongs

·       1 Snow/waterproof Jacket

·       Thermal Underwear

·       Thermal Socks

·       3 Pair Of Underwear

·       1 Pair Of Gloves

·       1 Beanie

·       1 Pair of sunglasses

·       1 Sweater

·       2 Dress Shirts

·       1 Quick Dry Towel

·       1 Large Backpack

·       1 Day Bag

·       1 Hip Bag

·       2 Small Locks

·       Bungee Cord

·       large envelopes for important documents in your

·       pack

·       small light

·       Anti-Diarrhea and anti-Nausea tablets

·       Needle and thread

·       Panadol

·       toothpaste, brush, floss

·       Anti Inflammatory Tablets

·       Tissues

·       Hand wipes

·       Razor

·       Tweezers

·       Rubber Bands

·       Water Bottle

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